Can Neck Massage Cause Vertigo – Understanding the Link and Risk

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Written By Massage Master

Vertigo is a medical condition that causes dizziness and a perception of spinning or tilting. This condition has multiple potential causes, such as inner ear issues and specific medications. Many people turn to massage therapy to relieve tension and pain in their necks, but there is growing concern that neck massage could cause or worsen vertigo symptoms. This blog post will explore whether neck massage cause vertigo and examine the research and evidence on the topic.

We will delve into the various factors that could increase the likelihood of experiencing vertigo as a result of a neck massage. Additionally, we will provide useful advice on preventing and managing any vertigo symptoms that may arise from such massages.

Can Neck Massage Cause Vertigo?

According to research, neck massage may affect the inner ear and cause vertigo symptoms. The neck includes numerous delicate organs, such as blood vessels, nerves, and muscles, all directly related to the inner ear. When these organs are manipulated or moved during a massage, the balance and spatial orientation signals transmitted to the brain might be affected. Vertigo is mainly caused by problems with the inner ear, which controls balance and spatial orientation. When the inner ear is disrupted or injured, it can induce dizziness and a spinning or tilting feeling.

According to one research published in the International Journal of Neuroscience, neck massage can alter the electrical activity of the inner ear, resulting in dizziness and other vertigo symptoms. Another research published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics discovered that individuals who got cervical spine manipulation (neck manipulation) were likelier to suffer vertigo than those who did not.

While the data isn’t conclusive, these studies imply a relationship between neck massage and vertigo. As a result, it is critical to be aware of the possible danger and take precautions to avoid or manage vertigo symptoms when receiving a neck massage.

Factors that Increase the Risk of Vertigo from Neck Massage:

Can Neck Massage Cause Vertigo

While not everyone who gets a neck massage will suffer vertigo, numerous variables might enhance the likelihood of getting vertigo symptoms after a massage. These include:

Pre-existing problems:

People with a history of inner ear issues, migraines, or other illnesses that impact balance and spatial orientation may be more prone to vertigo from a neck massage.

Massage intensity and duration:

The intensity and duration of the massage might also influence the risk of vertigo. Deep tissue massage, for example, may be more likely to trigger vertigo than a milder massage. Similarly, a longer massage may raise the risk compared to a shorter one.

Other Factors:

Other variables that may enhance the risk of vertigo after neck massage include poor posture, tension, and dehydration.

Before receiving a massage, you should discuss any pre-existing problems with your massage therapist and your preferences for massage intensity and duration. Additionally, excellent posture, stress management, and being hydrated can all help lessen the likelihood of experiencing vertigo symptoms after a neck massage. By taking these steps, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable massage experience.

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Preventing Vertigo from Neck Massage:

If you are concerned about the risk of developing vertigo symptoms from neck massage, there are several steps you can take to reduce your risk. Here are some tips:

Can Neck Massage Cause Vertigo

A. Tips for people who experience vertigo after neck massage:

  • Take a break and sit or lie down until the symptoms subside.
  • Drink water to stay hydrated.
  • Practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, to help reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Avoid sudden movements or changes in position that could trigger or worsen vertigo symptoms.

B. Recommendations for massage therapists to reduce the risk of vertigo in their clients:

  • Be aware of the potential link between neck massage and vertigo, and communicate this risk to clients.
  • Use gentle massage techniques and avoid deep tissue massage in areas close to the inner ear.
  • Check-in with clients regularly during the massage to monitor for signs of dizziness or vertigo.
  • Encourage clients to communicate any discomfort or unusual sensations during the massage.

C. Other techniques that can be used instead of neck massage for people who are at high risk of vertigo:

  • Shoulder massage: Massaging the shoulders can help relieve tension in the neck and may be a safer alternative for people at high risk of vertigo.
  • Acupressure: This technique involves applying pressure to specific points on the body to relieve pain and tension.
  • Stretching exercises: Stretching the neck muscles can help relieve tension and pain and may be a safer alternative for people who are at high risk of vertigo.

By adhering to these suggestions and ideas, massage therapists and clients can decrease the chance that receiving a neck massage will cause vertigo symptoms. If you have concerns or inquiries about the safety of neck massage, you should see your doctor or a licensed massage therapist.

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Is it safe to get a neck massage if you have a history of vertigo or dizziness?

Before obtaining a neck massage, consult your healthcare physician or a professional massage therapist if you have a history of vertigo or dizziness. They can help you determine if massage is safe for you, and if it is, they can offer suggestions and precautions to reduce your chance of experiencing vertigo symptoms.

What is vertigo, and how is it related to neck massage?

Vertigo is a sensation of dizziness or spinning that can cause nausea and difficulty with balance. A neck massage can potentially cause vertigo because the muscles and structures in the neck are closely connected to the inner ear, which controls balance and spatial orientation.

Can anyone experience vertigo from neck massage, or are some people more at risk?

While anyone can potentially experience vertigo from neck massage, some people may be at higher risk due to factors such as a history of vertigo or inner ear disorders or underlying neck problems like cervical disc herniation or osteoarthritis.


In conclusion, while neck massage can alleviate neck and shoulder pain, it may raise the chance of vertigo symptoms. You may reduce this risk and experience the advantages of massage by discussing with your massage therapist, staying hydrated, and exploring other techniques. If you have vertigo, pause and avoid rapid movements until the symptoms pass. Consultation with a medical professional or a registered massage therapist might also be beneficial.

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Written By Massage Master

kelsivn is a buying guide writer for MassageProguide. She has reviewed products for a range of titles including fitness, shoulder exercises, Massage chairs and other equipment etc. she has studied nutrition, personal training and coaching.